By Carla Lieblein
In the coming weeks, we will launch a new campaign promoting a GREENER Centaur Floor Systems. What makes our rubber greener than our other flooring options? Rubber is a renewable resource. "Rubber trees can be tapped every two days and they tend to live around 25 years" (Mary 2009). Our cutting edge eco-friendly recycled rubber products include: FasTrack, Elite, Elite ST, p'Eco, PuzzleTile, and Speckled 'S'. Our GREEN floors provide an easy to use, easy to install, and easy to maintain sports floor. Our products will enhance LEED point opportunities. At Centaur Floor Systems we recommend recycled whenever possible. We have other products like G-Court, Bolon, and XtremeCourt, which are eco-friendly because low energy processes produce them. Our Wood flooring, Boflex and DinDeck are eco-friendly because the manufacturers demand two trees planted for every one removed.
Here are a few points as to why we call our flooring GREEN:
Our recycled rubber products Elite, Speckled S, Elite ST, PuzzleTile, p'Eco, and FasTrack have a lower environmental impact than other flooring options. Recycled Rubber consumes less energy during production compared to products made from virgin or synthetic sources. Our GREEN products contribute to LEED point accumulation. The collection of used rubber creates job opportunities in developing countries around the world. Elite, Speckled S, Elite st, PuzzleTile, p'Eco, and FasTrack provide a way to make use of resources that are difficult to dispose of in an environmentally friendly manner.
When you are deciding on becoming a GREEN conscious company,
please consider our flooring options.
please consider our flooring options.
"Great minds discuss ideas; Average minds discuss events; Small minds discuss people." - Eleanor Roosevelt
Article from:
GLI editors., Recycled Rubber Flooring. Web source cited on June 17, 2010 from:
Mary, NL (2009) Go Green with Rubber Flooring Throughout the Home. Web source cited on June 17, 2010 from: